511 Tööpakkumist | 28 Tööotsijat | 142 Ettevõtet

Customer support manager in Estonia

BuyEU OÜ Tallinn

We are looking for freelancer for long term relation or full time employee for our company.

• Native Estonian
• Excellent English skills
• Ensuring high quality customer services via e-mails, facebook, chat and phone.
• Dealing with requests and making fast decisions;
• Providing professional advice within the scope of your competence;
• Interacting with other teams to ensure resolution of customer questions;
• Ensuring that clients will have the best customer service experience;
• Gathering customer feedback and share it with our responsible team;

Work from Monday till Friday, daily, for minimum 4-5 hours per day. Also, to be available on the phone all working day, in case client will call).

ID #5507 Asukoht Tallinn Valdkond Transport / Logistika Töö tüüp Vabakutseline Positsioon Customer support manager in Estonia Karjääri tase Keskmine Kohalolek Kaugtöö Kuulutus aegub: 02/01/2025

Nõutud oskused

Need oskused on selleks tööks vajalikud.

2 Keelt
Native Estonian
Excellent English skills

Töötasu ja lisaboonused

Lisaväärtused ja hüved mida see töökoht pakub.

Vabakutseline 10€ /Tund
Lisaväärtused Discount Discounts for company services Remote job Work from home. You can arrange your working time.

Ettevõtte info

Lühiülevaade ettevõttest


Pigu Perku Group

Asutatud 2013 35 Inimest 1 Tööpakkumine


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